Little white fox


Once upon a time, there lived a little white fox in a small forest. The fox was a friendly creature and very curious about her surroundings.

One day, she ventured out of the forest and into a nearby meadow. The meadow was filled with wildflowers of all colors and buzzing bees. She was so captivated by the beauty that she decided to take a nap in the middle of the meadow.

When she awoke, she saw a beautiful doe and two fawns grazing nearby. She was taken aback by the sight, but she was also filled with a sense of joy and wonder. She wanted to be friends with the doe, so she slowly approached her.

The doe seemed to understand the fox and welcomed her with an affectionate nuzzle. The fox was so happy to have a new friend that she stayed with the doe and her fawns for the rest of the day.

From then on, the little white fox and the doe and her fawns were the best of friends. They roamed the meadow and the forest together, and the fox was always there to protect and look after them. 

The little white fox found a home in the me

The End 

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