Bird family

 Once upon a time, there was a family of birds. This family was made up of a mama bird, a papa bird, and their four little baby birds. Mama and Papa bird had been together for several years and had been blessed with their four little ones.

The family lived in a small nest on the edge of a tree. Every morning, Mama and Papa would take turns waking up the four little birds and teaching them how to fly. They would practice flapping their wings and soaring through the sky.

The four little birds were very adventurous and loved to explore the world around them. They would often fly off and explore the areas around their tree, looking for food and new things to discover.

One day, the four little birds were out exploring when they came across a strange looking bird. This bird was a little bigger than they were and had a very strange call. The four little birds were very curious and wanted to know what the bird was.

Mama and Papa bird saw the four little birds talking to the strange bird and immediately flew over to investigate. They were shocked to see what the strange bird was. It was a hawk!

Mama and Papa bird were very worried about the safety of their four

The End 

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