Horror Train

 The sun had long gone down and the night had taken over. The train station was eerily quiet, the only sound being the occasional chirping of a cricket. I was waiting for the train, alone. I had been waiting for what felt like hours, but I knew the train would come eventually.

I heard the familiar rumble of the train in the distance, and I knew it was time. I stood up, ready to board the train and begin my journey.

As I stepped onto the train, I noticed something strange. The train was completely empty. No one else seemed to be boarding. I looked around, trying to find someone else, but there was no one. I felt a chill go down my spine as I realized I was completely alone.

The train started to move, and I settled into my seat. I looked out the window, watching the passing countryside. As the train moved along, I noticed something strange in the darkness. I could see faint lights in the distance, moving in a strange pattern. I squinted to get a better look, but the lights were too far away for me to make out what they were.

I continued to watch the lights for what felt like hours,

The End 

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