

Once upon a time, there was a beautiful butterfly named Blue. Blue had a very special power - the power of flight. She could fly higher than any other butterfly in the meadow.

Blue loved to explore the world around her, and she often found herself in places she'd never been before. On one of her explorations, Blue flew into a meadow filled with wildflowers. She fluttered around, taking in the beauty of the meadow and the smell of the fragrant flowers. 

Suddenly, Blue spotted a small, gray caterpillar munching on a leaf nearby. Blue was fascinated by the caterpillar and decided to spend some time with it. She fluttered around the caterpillar, watching it go about its day.

One day, the caterpillar stopped eating and started to form a cocoon around itself. Blue watched with awe as the caterpillar transformed into a beautiful butterfly, just like her.

The butterfly thanked Blue for being her friend and for showing her the amazing world around her. Blue was so happy to have made a new friend and she flew off, continuing her exploration of the world. 

Blue often thought of her new butterfly friend, and she was reminded that no matter

The End 

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