Golden Duck 🦆


Once upon a time, in a far-off land, there lived a golden duck. This duck was no ordinary duck, for it was said that he had magical powers. He was said to be able to grant wishes to those who asked. 

One day, a young man named John was walking through the woods when he happened upon the golden duck. He had heard the stories of the duck's magical powers and wanted to see if they were true.

John approached the duck and asked if he could grant him a wish. The duck nodded in agreement and asked John what he wanted. John thought for a moment, and then asked the duck to grant him the power to fly.

The duck nodded, and suddenly John felt his feet leave the ground. He was filled with joy and amazement as he soared through the sky. He felt the wind in his face, and the sun on his back, and for a moment he forgot all his worries and cares.

John flew for what seemed like hours, until he eventually landed in a small clearing. Here, he found a small pond, and in the middle of it, he saw the golden duck.

John thanked the duck for granting him his wish, and the duck smiled and said, “I am glad to have been of service. Now, if you truly wish to thank me, I have one more request.” 

John nodded and asked what the duck wanted. The duck said, “I wish for you to find a way to help others. If you do this, then you will always be blessed with good luck and happiness.”

John thought about the duck's words and realized that he wanted to do something to help others. He decided that he would use his newfound ability to fly to help those in need.

Over the next few months, John spent his days flying around the countryside, searching for people in need. He soon became known as the “Golden Duck”, and people began to come to him for help. 

He helped those who were ill, fed the hungry, and even saved people from certain death. Everywhere he went, people thanked him, and they all wished him good luck. 

One day, as John was flying, he spotted a young girl in a field. She was crying, and John could tell that something was wrong. He flew down to her and asked what was wrong. 

The girl explained that her family was very poor and that she was looking for a way to help them. John told her that he could help her, and she was so grateful. 

John immediately flew back to the pond and asked the golden duck for help. The duck nodded, and suddenly the sky was filled with a multitude of ducks. They flew to the girl's family and dropped off food, money, and other supplies. 

The girl and her family were overjoyed. They thanked John and the golden duck, and they all wished each other good luck. 

From that day forward, the golden duck continued to help those in need. Whenever someone was in need, they would ask the golden duck for help, and he would always come through. 

John continued to fly around the countryside, helping those in need. He was always rewarded with good luck, and he was always happy. 

The golden duck lived a long and happy life, and he was remembered fondly by all who knew him. He had used his magical powers to help those in need, and he had made the world a better place. 

The end.

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