Creepy Doll


The little girl loved her new doll. She named her Susie and took her everywhere with her. Susie was always there to listen to her secrets and make her feel better when she was sad.

One night, the little girl had a nightmare. She dreamed that Susie came to life and tried to kill her. In the morning, she woke up screaming.

The little girl's mother tried to reassure her that it was just a dream, but the little girl was scared. She didn't want to go near her doll ever again.

The little girl's fear quickly turned to obsession. She couldn't stop thinking about Susie and what she might do if she came to life. She started to believe that Susie was evil and out to get her.

The little girl's mother became worried about her daughter's mental state. She took her to see a therapist, who helped the little girl to understand that her doll was just a doll and couldn't hurt her.

The little girl slowly started to feel better. She was able to play with her doll again and even started to sleep with her at night.

One night, the little girl had another nightmare. This time, Susie came to life and killed her mother. The little girl woke up screaming and covered in her mother's blood.

The little girl was taken to a mental institution, where she remains to this day. She still believes that Susie is alive and is coming to get her.

The End 

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