Zebra 🦓


Once upon a time, there lived a zebra in a small African village. Her name was Zara and she was the only zebra in the village. She lived a quiet but content life, grazing on the grass in the savannah and drinking from the nearby stream. 

One day, Zara was out grazing in the savannah when she spotted a strange creature in the distance. It was a lion! Zara had never seen a lion before and she was both curious and a little scared. She watched from a safe distance as the lion prowled around the savannah, looking for prey. 

Suddenly, the lion spotted Zara and began to stalk her. Zara was terrified and she ran as fast as she could, trying to make it back to the village. The lion chased her, but Zara was fast and she managed to stay just out of reach. 

After what seemed like hours, Zara made it back to the village. But the lion wasn't far behind. The villagers quickly gathered around Zara and formed a circle around her, protecting her from the lion. The lion was confused and angry, but eventually it gave up and left.

The villagers were relieved and thanked Zara for her

The End 

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